Magpie September Issue: Country Fair

Magpie September Issue: Country Fair

Happy Summer Everyone!

The cover art for our September issue of Magpie Times: Country Fair was hooked by Kelli Smith. Isn't it amazing?

Believe it or not, we’re already starting to work on the September issue of Magpie Times: Country Fair. The deadline for contributions (whole articles or photos for the gallery) is coming up fast. We need to have everything in by August 1.

Deana and I have been so amazed and pleased by the creativity and generosity of our contributors. Maybe you’d like to do an article or send in a gallery shot? Here are some of the topics we’re interested in for the September issue:




Canning your harvest


Herding Dogs

3-D Crochet


Locker Hooking

Flower Pounding/Flower Drying

Memories of past country fairs

Wagon Wheel Rugs

Corn Husk Dolls

You can send your articles and photos to me at When you send photos, please be sure to include:

Title of the piece


Who designed it

Who made it

In other news: 

I'll be teaching my All-In-One Beginning Rug Hooking Class at the PNW Fiber Expo in Port Angeles, WA on October 5, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to noon. In this class, students will learn all the basics of rug hooking, including hooking with yarn, T-shirt strips, wool fabric strips, and even cotton strips! As soon as they start taking registrations, I'll let you know.

Magpie Times: Midsummer Magic is still available in print and digital options. I did get a few copies that got scuffed in the shipping process that I'll sell for $14 each. Just light damage to the cover, not to the interior. If you're interested in saving a bit of money, you can order one here until they run out!

Thanks so much everyone! We’ll have lots more news about the September issue coming up!



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