Raising Money for Ukraine!
My friend, artist Sharon Johnston of Calgary, Alberta has created a special hooked rug in honor of the women of Ukraine, employing her signature portrait style. The rug is on display at the Collectors Gallery of Art in Calgary, and sells for $900. All of the proceeds from the sale of this masterpiece will go to the Ukraine Red Cross. Congratulations to Sharon for pouring her artistry and hope into this beautiful piece. You can view the piece at Sharon Johnston - The Collectors' Gallery of Art (cgoart.com) or on Facebook at (20+) The Collectors' Gallery of Art | Facebook.
Upcoming events:
All-In-One Beginning Rug Hooking class at the Black Sheep Gathering in Albany Oregon, Sunday, June 26, 1:30-4:30. Learn to hook with yarn, T-shirt strips and wool fabric strips. Click here to sign up!
I'll have a booth at the King County Fair in Enumclaw, WA July 14-17.
For more upcoming events, click here!
Happy Hooking Everyone!
Judy Taylor